Forbidden Wet Tales (2003)
YEAR……………: 2003
DIRECTOR………..: Patrick Li
STARS…………..: Emily Kwan, Haruka Serizawa, Minami Hishikawa, Eddie Lam
GENRES………….: Thriller | Erotic | Sexploitation
COUNTRY…………: HongKong
LANGUAGE………..: Mandarin
IMDB LINK……….: None
One day, a man meets a woman and they start chatting at a restaurant. As a writer of erotic films, he tells her some historical erotic stories in the background of the Chinese empire. After the meal, he takes her to a hotel and they have a romantic night. The next day, she goes to the bathroom and finds a woman’s dead body in the bathtub. The man admits he killed that lady to reach the high during sex…
【影片片名】:香港影片~極慾燃燒 (國語中字)
一個沒名字的男人碰上一個沒名字的女人,在餐廳中,二人天馬行空地談及一段段史詩式情慾故事:長平公主在庵堂內的性渴望、珍妃以性虐來刺激光緒皇 帝,還有大島渚「感官世界」中的吉藏和阿部定,不分晝夜地幹,最後在性高潮一刻把男根割下。在紅酒的催化下,男人帶女人上酒店,接著是一夜纏綿。事後,女 人發現浴缸躺著一具女屍,原來男人為達至忘我高潮,曾錯手把女伴殺掉…
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