Ancient Chinese Whorehouse (1994)
YEAR……………: 1994
DIRECTOR………..: Kai-Ming Lai
STARS…………..: Kent Cheng, Suet-Ngan Ching, Victor Hon<
GENRES………….: Drama | CAT III | Erotic
COUNTRY…………: Hong Kong
LANGUAGE………..: Cantonese
SUBTITLES……….: Chinese,English
ALSO KNOWN AS……: Qing lou shi er fang
Madam Five and carpenter Kong function collectively operating a popular whorehouse. Kong’s apprentice Yat fails to get along with Ching due to a misinterpretation among them. Fortunately, the perception of a murderous rapist assists to deal with the misunderstanding between them. It also combines the group to protect against the porn maniac and to rebuild Madam Five’s company at a new place.
故事发生在唐朝,衣食无忧的生活让青楼成为了男人们茶余饭后经常光顾的场所。五姑娘(翁虹 饰)是“尝乐坊”的当家,她和搭档傅刚(郑则仕 饰)一起,利用两人的聪明才智,将尝乐坊经营得风生水起。傅刚一直钟情于五姑娘,但即便知道傅刚的深情,但五姑娘依旧对他保持着若即若离的距离。
阿逸(刘德之 饰)是傅刚的徒弟,从小就跟随着师傅出入各式各样的灯红酒绿之中。阿逸深爱着雏妓小菁(程雪雁 饰),可惜两人身份和地位悬殊,一段两情相悦的恋情充满了磨难与波折。色魔(徐锦江 饰)的出现让坊间女子人人自危,倒霉的小菁偏偏被其盯上,所幸五姑娘出手相救才幸免于难,然而,五姑娘自己就没有这么好的运气了。
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