本作由3个短片构成。导演Erika Lust是位“女性主义成人电影导演”——一个从来没听说过,连想也想不到的好名词Erika Lust生在斯德哥尔摩,从伦德大学(Lund University)拿到了政治科学和视听管理(audiovisual management)的硕士学位看着人挺好,后来在巴塞罗那创立了Lust影业,专拍低俗电影有兴趣的筒子可以去看看从前但闻成人电影是女性主义者的火力重点,跟春宫画和成人杂志之类受到的待遇相仿,“物化”、“权力关系”等等标签一贴一个准如今有个洗心革面的机会可说煞是不易导演的第一部电影长片是《她的五段性事》(Five Hot Stories for Her),像是对传统成人电影的反动大致是以某位“欲女”的五段嘿咻情节连缀起来的集锦片拿到了一票成人电影节的最佳影片、最佳剧本奖。想必这个历史悠久的行业也有些瓶颈要突破,新尝试有新智慧吧。
LIFE: After finishing their day at the restaurant, a chef and a waitress have an incredible encounter to celebrate his birthday. LOVE: A forty-something executive seduces a young man she occasionally meets in a city hotel. LUST: Lola uses her whole body to give an intense skin on skin massage to a shy and lonely woman, driving her to pure ecstasy. LIFE LOVE LUST consists of three gems of erotic cinema from the acclaimed director Erika Lust.